Mantak Chia, Josefine Reimig
301 Pages
Chi Nei Tsang© massage according to Grandmaster Mantak Chia to release energy blockages, detoxify the organs and stimulate the self-healing powers. In this book, you will receive an overview of Chi Nei Tsang Massage in an easily understandable way as well as the necessary physical and energetic relationships to which our bodily functions are related. You will understand how emotions affect organic functions and how to balance yourself with exercises from the Universal Healing Tao System. With the Taoist abdominal massage Chi Nei Tsang© you will get to know and understand yourself better. The own body feeling is developed and physical, mental as well as spiritual tensions are loosened.
This book describes the basics of Chi Nei Tsang© massage. It provides a structured introduction to the techniques of abdominal massage and offers a comprehensive overview for anyone who wants to use this method of bodywork for themselves and others:- Origin of human life from a Taoist perspective
- Basics of understanding the interaction of body, mind and soul
- Presentation and description of the different stages of Chi Nei Tsang© according to Mantak Chia
- Detailed description and illustrated instructions for abdominal massage for organ detoxification
- Detailed description of how to perform a Chi Nei Tsang© session
- Description of important complementary exercises
The Chi Nei Tsang© massage according to Grandmaster Mantak Chia is an effective method to release energy blockages, detoxify organs and stimulate the self-healing powers in the body. Mantak Chia has been teaching Chi Nei Tsang© for more than forty years and has continuously developed the massage system during this time. This book is considered a companion to qualified training, but is primarily for understanding yourself.
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