This series of cards of the eight immortals consists of folded cardboard (17x10.5cm) with the image of an immortal on the front, a text description on the inside in German and a blank page for individual inscription as a gift card.
In China, and especially in Taoist practices, the eight immortals have a special significance. The Taoists believe that they are real people, with real practices, who constantly send them down.
Their story is written down in a book called “The 100,000 Immortals”. But only eight of them have been chosen to represent different social classes, which means that anyone can become immortal.
They are highly educated, have different professions, are men and women and hermaphrodites, i.e. men and women from all social classes and of different genders. This also means that you cannot live separately from society or everyday life.Many other traditions also have immortals, but give them different names and tasks, such as Moses, Esaias and Jesus in Christianity. There is something similar in Islam and India.
In Taoism, we believe that spirit and soul are immortal and that every human being is born with spirit and soul in an empty form, like a baby or infant. They must then be developed, nurtured and allowed to grow over the course of life. Taoism has a precise description of this using sexual practice and energy.
The eight immortals represent eight directions, eight different colors, have different virtues, abilities and tasks.
The pictorial representations are modern illustrations with a description of the respective immortals on the back, so that the illustrations, like the texts, provide inspiring suggestions. The set is supplied in a red envelope.