Inner Alchemy Astrology by Mantak Chia

Inner Alchemy Astrology by Mantak Chia

The Taoists assume that the magnetic attraction to the universe is particularly strong at the moment of conception and that the current energetic constellation has an influence on the growing life.

The universe is characterized by principles of creation that result in certain forms of movement: contracting, expanding, ascending, descending and circling. These are the five principles of creation from which manifestation processes have emerged in the course of evolutionary history and are reflected on earth in the five element system.

The basic elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water, each of which is divided into yin and yang. The 5 celestial creation principles in space and the earthly time references of the elements in 12 months result in a cycle of 60 years, which then repeats itself energetically. This cycle was described by sages thousands of years ago.

The energetic rhythm can be applied to years, months, days and hours, so that an individual energetic constellation can be calculated for each person at the time of birth. This is the basis of a chart that shows the five elements in their proportional composition. This is then combined with a 10-year cycle and a one-year cycle. From the overall picture you can see which elements are particularly effective at which time and how you can use positive influences in your life and balance out negative phenomena. 

The initially neutral view of the elements can then be read individually for each person. On this basis, personal strategies for exerting a positive influence can be derived. A professional consultation with a person certified in Inner Alchemy Astrology is recommended. 

For more information about Inner Alchemy Astrology and to get your Free Personal Demo Chart visit the Inner Alchemy Astrology Website.

A comprehensive description of Inner Alchemy Astrology can be found in the book Wisdom from the Stars, by Christine Harkness-Giles.

Your Free Inner Alchemy Astrology Personal Short Demo Chart

Your Free Inner Alchemy Astrology Personal Short Demo Chart

With the Free Personal Demo Chart you can get an insight into your individual star/energy pattern. Fill in your birth date and get your IAA Personal Free Demo Chart instantly calculated.

Free Personal Demo Chart
Order Your 15-Page  IAA Personal Full Chart Here

Order Your 15-Page IAA Personal Full Chart Here

With the personal 15-page IAA Personal Full Chart you get a comprehensive 15-Page insigh into your individual star pattern. The IAA Personal Full Chart  reveals the your elemental strengths and weaknesses, providing a roadmap to balance and harmonize your life using Qi Gong and Nei Dan meditations. Understand your relationships, professional avenues, and underlying tendencies with unparalleled clarity.

Order Your IAA  Personal Full Chart 
Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator Demo Chart  User Guide (PDF Booklet)

Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator Demo Chart User Guide (PDF Booklet)

The Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet) helps you to better understand the results of the Free IAA Personal Demo Chart. You will learn more about your personal  balance of the 5 elements. This enables you to work out how you can use the Inner Alchemy Practices for your individual balance. This Guide is vailable in German, English and French. To order the Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet), please use the link provided below.

Order User Guide (PDF Booklet)


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