I nove calderoni taoisti
I nove calderoni taoisti per la pratica dell'alchimia di alto livello È attraverso il continuo perfezionamento delle energie di Kan (acqua) e Li (fuoco) che i praticanti progrediscono verso l'unione finale. Questa trasformazione si ottiene attraverso la pratica dedicata dei nove calderoni.
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How to Develop Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance - Book Presentation -
In her book “Develop your inner beauty and radiance”, Jutta Kellenberger-Reichert describes her view and experiences of the exercises of the Universal Healing Tao® System and their significance for the development of inner beauty and radiance from a female perspective.
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Camera oscura - La biochimica dell'illuminazione
Dopo alcuni giorni di buio totale, la biochimica del nostro corpo inizia a cambiare. Il livello di serotonina scende e quello di melatonina sale. Entriamo in uno stato di straordinaria consapevolezza. Tutte le scuole spirituali canonizzano il risveglio della mente durante un lungo soggiorno al buio. Mantak Chia offre esperienze da una a quattro settimane presso il suo centro di camera oscura Tao Garden.
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Chi Nei Tsang® II - Pump and push sick winds away
Chi Nei Tsang® is a traditional Taoist form of healing hand therapy applied to the abdomen and body to stimulate and mobilise muscles, connective tissue, organs and systems (lymphatic, circulatory and nervous system) in the abdomen. Chi Nei Tsang® II is taught as the second training level (of a total of 5 levels in Chi Nei Tsang®) of the Universal Healing Tao® System according to Mantak Chia.
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Cosmic Healing II Astral Healing - Taoist Shamanism
Cosmic Healing II is about connecting the body with the five elemental forces of nature, the moon and the sun, the planets, the stars, galaxies and other celestial phenomena. This is a continuation of UHT Cosmic Healing I in the Universal HEALING TAO System according to Grand Master Mantak Chia, but can also be taken on its own.
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Iron Shirt I - Rooting practice
Iron Shirt Chi Kung is one of the martial arts aspects of the Universal Healing Tao® System that develops inner strength and a well-conditioned body. Through simple techniques, CHI is built and stored. Regular Iron Shirt practice builds a body that is relaxed and open, strong, healthy and structurally connected to the forces of Heaven and Earth. 'Opening' the Joints.
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The Taoist Soul Body - Lesser Kan and Li
At the turn of the millennium, the West has become familiar with different Eastern practices such as martial arts, acupuncture, herbology, massage, nutrition, sexology, and Qigong. Teachers of different beliefs and abilities have taken bits and pieces of Eastern knowledge and art and put them in a new package and introduced it to the West. Some teachers even offer instant expertise, wisdom, and peace of mind. There are, of course, authentic masters who have devoted their lives to the study and practice of different Eastern arts and disciplines, but unfortunately, they can be quite rare.
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6 Healing Sounds - Taoist Vibrational Healing
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the 5 yin organs of heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and spleen are a life-sustaining whole to which the Six Healing Sounds refer.
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Being a human - from self-understanding to consciousness
This text is intended to help readers to take up the content and, depending on their interest, to pursue the individual concepts in greater depth. If we look at the history of humankind, we see that the first phases of humanity were characterised by people experiencing themselves as part of nature and the universe.
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Just a smile? How to practice the Cosmic Inner Smile.
The Cosmic Inner Smile is a powerful relaxation and self-healing technique that uses the energies of love, happiness, kindness and gentleness as a medium to communicate with organs of the body.
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What does the Universal Healing Tao® have to do with Feng Shui? - Very much!!!
Both systems are based on the observations of many wise people already from thousands of years ago, who found out that it is important for the development and health of us humans to live in harmony with nature and its laws. Feng means wind and Shui means water. With the term wind is meant the change, the movement. And water represents the origin of life.
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What is a Cosmic Network
Introduction By connecting with our Higher Self, Grand Master Chia demonstrates the building and use of a spiritual network. Sharing the Taoist virtues in this network is direct spiritual action, the gain in mental and spiritual power flushes and fills the energetic depots in our physical body.
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Nutrition - The act of balance
Chinese medicine understands digestion as a continuous process of extracting chi from food. In Chinese dietetics, foods are classified according to their energetic properties and their effect on the body. Food is used in TCM nutrition to harmonise deficiency or excess states of yin and yang in the body.
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What is Golden Elixir Qigong?
In the Taoist tradition, Golden Elixir Qigong was considered one of the last secrets that a master passes on to his disciples before his death. Grandmaster Mantak Chia makes this precious knowledge available to the public without any restrictions, and in his inimitable humorous way he conveys complex practices in an easily understandable way.
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Chi Nei Tsang® I - Organ Detox
Chi Nei Tsang® (CNT) is one of the most effective, therapeutic massage techniques in Eastern medicine. By using special techniques to massage tissues and organs and expel diseased energies or winds, Chi Nei Tsang® can help people restore and maintain their health. Ultimately, Chi Nei Tsang® serves the goal of liberating oneself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
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Awaken your Tan Tien
Tan Tien Chi Kung is the art of chi accumulation and storage in the Lower Tan Tien, the energetic focus of the human being. In Taoist practice, attention is drawn to this region to connect vitality and invigorating spirit.
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Awaken Your Inner Alchemy - FUSION of the 5 Elements
Taoist alchemy - the "Chymical Wedding" in ancient China The "Fusion of the 5 Elements" is one of the most important practices of inner alchemy. It is considered the "jewel" of Taoist meditations because of its great effectiveness in transforming disharmonious emotions. The exercises promote inner strength and self-determination. Nothing knocks us down so quickly - calmness and centredness come more easily. It is a powerful mental training that increases our ability to remember and concentrate, the act of balance. Fusion also serves energetic self-protection and is especially useful for those who work a lot with other people.
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Chi Nei Tsang® III Tok Sen - Vibrational Medicine 5000 Years Ago
Tok Sen means "reactivating of energy lines" in Thai, in other words: it is a technique to release blocked Chi and bring it back into flow. Physically applied vibrations and sound impulses are used to work deeply on the fasciae, muscles and tendons. These energy lines, called meridians in traditional Chinese Medicine, are understood as "zones of lower resistance" in the material body, in which the life force Chi (Qi) flows. Blockages in these energy lines are considered to cause illness.
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More often, longer, better - methods for a multiorgasmic life
From a Taoist perspective, relationships that begin through predominantly sexual attraction lose some of their attractiveness to the man with each ejaculation. However, if a couple practices the Taoist practices of Healing Love, this not only maintains mutual attractiveness, but also has an impact on health. Sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, impotence, prostate and menstrual problems, organ dysfunction and hormonal fluctuations can be alleviated, if not resolved.
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Cosmic Healing I The Way of Qi - The Practice of the Buddha Palm
An important part of Cosmic Healing Qigong is the cultivation of self-healing abilities in order to use them for oneself and thus for the community. As a true disciple of the Tao, the student begins by learning about himself and the possibilities of inner cultivation. Like all methods handed down in Taoist tradition, Cosmic Healing Qigong is not based on a belief system, but the values and emphasis are meant to be "experienced" by everyone.
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