How to Develop Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance
Englische Sprachversion
Jutta Kellenberger-Reichert
98 Pages
PDF eBooklet
File Size: 1.9
Englische Sprachversion
  • This book os dedicated towards women of all ages interested in developing Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance. Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance is the pre-requisite to health and inner happiness, and it’s not a given lifelong guarantee from the universe. Nevertheless, it can be achieved through developing consciousness and awareness in your body and mind. Inner Beauty allows us to transform and balance our emotions. Outer Radiance is the external manifestation of this Inner Beauty through our interactions with our surroundings.

    The practices explained in this book provide a complete set of personalized tools to enable you to achieve your goals. Whether you are a complete newcomer to energy cultivation and spirituality or an intermediate truth-seeker, you already have the resources within yourself to reach your goals.

PDF eBooklet

This book os dedicated towards women of all ages interested in developing Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance. Inner Beauty and Outer Radiance is the pre-requisite to health and inner happiness, and it’s not a given lifelong guarantee from the universe. Nevertheless, it can be achieved through developing consciousness and awareness in your body and mind. Inner Beauty allows us to transform and balance our emotions. Outer Radiance is the external manifestation of this Inner Beauty through our interactions with our surroundings.

The practices explained in this book provide a complete set of personalized tools to enable you to achieve your goals. Whether you are a complete newcomer to energy cultivation and spirituality or an intermediate truth-seeker, you already have the resources within yourself to reach your goals.

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