1. 天鼎 (Tiān Dǐng) - Heavenly Cauldron (Pole Star)
The Tiān Dǐng (Heavenly Cauldron -Pole Star) represents the connection to the cosmos and the divine essence. This cauldron aligns with the North Star (Pole Star), symbolising the central hub around which all constellations revolve. It embodies the archetypal stories and rites of passage from each separate constellation myth that define human existence, akin to the hub of a wheel where the rim and spokes represent life’s interconnected experiences.

2. 土星鼎 (Tǔxīng Dǐng) - Saturn Cauldron
The Tǔxīng Dǐng (Saturn Cauldron) symbolises discipline, boundaries, and transformation. This cauldron refines the denser energies of our solar system, embodying the higher or deified aspects of self, manifesting as planetary orbs that orbit the sun.

3. 神鼎 (Shén Dǐng) - Spiritual Cauldron (Energy Body)
The Shén Dǐng (Spiritual Cauldron - Energy Body) Represents the transformation of the physical self into a refined spiritual form. This cauldron acts as a bridge, preparing the practitioner for spiritual evolution and connection with all existence.

4. 水晶宫鼎 (Shuǐjīng Gōng Dǐng) - Crystal Palace Cauldron (Thalamus)
The Shuǐjīng Gōng Dǐng (Crystal Palace Cauldron - Thalamus) is located in the upper dantian (Tan Tien). This cauldron governs the senses, merging light, sound, taste, and smell into a unique alchemical blend. It includes two sub-cauldrons:
a) 鼻尖鼎 (Bí Jiān Dǐng) - Tip of the Nose Cauldron: Focuses on breath and sensory awareness. By concentrating on the nose's tip and engaging in a "kiss of the divine," (along with pouting of the lips) this cauldron deepens the practitioner's intimate connection to the immaterial.
b) 天眼鼎 (Tiān Yǎn Dǐng) - Heavenly Eye Cauldron (Third Eye): Activates the Yin Tang (third eye) for intuition, insight, and spiritual vision. This is often the site of ecstatic flight and the final union.

5. 中丹田鼎 (Zhōng Dāntián Dǐng) - Middle Dantian Cauldron (Heart Cauldron)
The Zhōng Dāntián Dǐng (Middle Dantian Cauldron - Heart) is located at the heart centre. This cauldron is the seat of compassion, emotional harmony, and spiritual consciousness. It is home to the Shen (commanding spirit), capable of reaching beyond intellect and visceral awareness to connect with all things.

6. 太阳丹田鼎 (Tàiyáng Dāntián Dǐng) - Solar Plexus Cauldron
The Tàiyáng Dāntián Dǐng (Solar Plexus Cauldron). This cauldron governs personal power, will, and transformation. It refines the solar system’s energies and their deified attributes.

7. 下丹田鼎 (Xià Dāntián Dǐng) - Lower Dantian Cauldron
The Xià Dāntián Dǐng (Lower Dantian Cauldron) is the foundational energy centre. It is located between the navel and the Ming Men (lumbar vertebrae 2/3). It integrates sexual and visceral intelligence, where the following spirits and souls merge under the guidance of the Heart Spirit (Shen - 神):
• Kidney spirit (Zhi - 志): Represents willpower and determination.
• Spleen spirit (Yi - 意): Symbolises intention and thoughtfulness.
• Liver soul (Hun - 魂): Embodies the ethereal soul and creative energy.
• Lung soul (Po - 魄): Represents the corporeal soul tied to the physical body.

8. 地鼎 (Dì Dǐng) - Earthly Cauldron
The Dì Dǐng (Earthly Cauldron) represents the connection to Earth's energy. It stabilises the practitioner’s relationship with the physical world, the five elements, and the collective spirits of all sentient beings. This cauldron connects to Gaia, the Earth Mother, symbolising the union of all life.

9. 南极鼎 (Nánjí Dǐng) - Southern Pole Star Cauldron (Sigma Octans)
The Nánjí Dǐng (Southern Pole Star Cauldron - Sigma Octans) Aligned with the Southern Pole Star, this cauldron integrates celestial wisdom from the southern skies, balancing cosmic and earthly energies. For practitioners in the Southern Hemisphere, it represents True Yang, while Polaris embodies True Yin, and vice versa for those in the north.

The Final Union
The nine cauldrons merge into one, expanding to encompass the universe. To "find the one," the practitioner must engage in a union with orgasm, love and philosophy, to connect with all things. This awareness dissolves into nothingness, transcending dualities and returning to the primordial state before the Big Bang or fetal/infant self-awareness.
In this state, yin and yang harmonise in a loving unity, where beauty (ultimate yin) and love (highest yang) merge. Breath, movement, and energy disappear as the practitioner enters the divine union, which collapses into nothingness.

The Mystery of Nothingness
This nothingness manifests in ways beyond description, such as:
1. A golden flower matrix: Infinite patterns expanding across space and time - where one flower pattern is of equal awareness to the myriad of the many.
2. A flowing river: A mesmerising stream that annihilates all thought and perception. The practitioner can focus on the smallest dot of light yet in the grand river the one dot and the infinite number are the same.
3. In a trance of love, bested by beauty:
The practitioner is seduced into the realm of nothingness-where no shadows exist, no echoes, no self-awareness. It is as if ecstasy lies at the very edge of the void, captivating the practitioner with love and beauty lingering just on its circumference.
The shape and size of the boilers are not clearly defined and have been described differently depending on the author, school and time period. The instructions for the alchemical practices can also differ in individual aspects. However, the principles and aims of the alchemical practices are comparable and describe the same orientation and intention of Daoist self-refinement. There is no mention of an obligatory path that leads to a specific goal, but rather an individual flow with the current of personal realisation, carried by one's own unique abilities.
Dr Andrew Jan - Dezember 2024
'Ecstatic Spirit Flight and the Reunion of Heaven and Man - A journey through the Taoist Way' - an excerpt from a forthcoming book by Mantak Chia and Andrew Jan