Feng means wind and Shui means water.
With the term wind is meant the change, the movement. And water represents the origin of life. When water is in motion, new life can emerge because it contains many nutrients and oxygen. In the Chinese tradition, it is very important that the fluids in the body can flow freely, so that a good supply of oxygen and nutrients is guaranteed down to the smallest cells. If there is no movement and resulting interaction of living organisms, stagnation occurs, which leads to degradation and finally to death. This is true for our body and for nature. Through constant change, a healthy balance is created again and again.

Fundamentals of both systems, Universal Healing Tao® and Feng Shui, are the balance of Yin and Yang.
There are many classifications to the terms Yin and Yang. The simplest is the original principle of female = Yin and male = Yang. In many tabular comparisons, further characteristics are recorded, like night/day and cold/warm. But it is always about the goal of balance, not about the “either or” but about the "both as well as". That means to accept all appearances, not to evaluate them and always to follow the "way of the middle", what the term Tao implies. The Yin and Yang is also included in Traditional Chinese Medicine and refers to both the energetic analysis of a physical condition and the means to achieve a balance in the organs. When this balance is present, the emotions are also balanced, which in turn has a positive effect on the harmonious functions of a body. In Western medicine, people often talk about the importance of a balanced acid-base balance. Among other things, this is particularly important for our kidneys, whose function is vital. So, in everything, it is important to attentively maintain or achieve a state of balance.

The harmonization of the five elements fire, earth, metal, water and wood is another common feature.
The Five Elements System originated more than 2000 years ago from the observation of nature and its interactions during the seasons. These resulted in the description of the mutual influences and conditions. Also in this system many phenomena and levels are assigned to the five elements. It is applied to physical states, to nature up to influences from the universe (planets). Within the individual elements, the balance of Yin and Yang also plays a role. Mainly the following cycles are considered, the feeding cycle or cycle of origin and the control cycle, as an extreme phenomenon destruction cycle. In the cycle of formation it is said: Fire burns to ashes and becomes earth, earth condenses and becomes metal, metal dissolves into minerals that combine with water, water nourishes the growth of wood and wood gives fire food to burn. But if in the sequence of elements one is skipped and there are unequal proportions, then it is true: water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal(axe) strikes wood and wood penetrates earth and earth pours water.
However, these principles are always checked individually in extent and balanced with a carefully selected combination of elements. This is especially true in Universal Healing Tao® System for the balnace in the body. In Feng Shui, beyond other analogies, the colors of the elements are primarily used. The areas of a house are given corresponding colors in relation to the direction, which are weakened or strengthened depending on the more favorable or less favorable areas.

In a Pakua, the energies from the eight cardinal directions are recorded,
...originally expressed with the eight trigrams, which contain the possible combination of Yin and Yang in a constellation of three.
Then there was the transfer to nature with the conditions of fire, earth, lake, sky, water, mountain, thunder and wind. The observations of the seasons with their effects were assigned, and from this in turn further characteristic features and qualities were derived.
In general:
In spring everything sprouts, new things are created, ideas are forged for the year in a creative way, everything becomes green again, good mood and relaxed, cheerful friendliness is present, to name just a few characteristics here. - When it then goes into summer, everything ripens, the joy before an expected harvest spreads, but the heat also stresses the heart, also opens it and warmth rises. - Then in the fall follows the harvest with many thoughts about how to store, compress and preserve the harvested goods. Of course, a good harvest also meant wealth. - In winter, nature retreats, gathers new strength from the depths in the time of cold. Man can also withdraw into himself.
In Feng Shui, the Pakua in the cardinal points are assigned the life areas of career, mentors, children, Partnerschaf, fame, wealth, family and knowledge. This is then applied after previous calculations to the evaluation of the individual areas of an apartment or a house - There is also the assignment of the numbers 1 - 9 In the Pakua, which is used in the so-called "Flying Stars" and makes statements about a certain quality of time Living Space and geographical conditions and the energy of the date of birth of a person are examined in Feng Shui and best possible transformation according to the needs of the people energetically carried out.
- In Universal Healing Tao®, the Pakua is used to connect with the forces of nature and the universe in meditations. The highest level of application is the "Kan and Li", which includes exercises to connect to the energy of the universe, preparing the return to universal unity.

Time in Taoism is recorded in a sequence of energetic elements,
...and the connection of man and the universe from the moment of conception is assumed.
In the Universal Healing Tao®, the date of birth is used to calculate the basic energetic disposition of a person in connection with the Five Elements. For this purpose, in the UHT there is the section "Inner Alchemy Astrology". After careful analysis, suggestions are made for energetic improvement whose implementation should bring the 5 element constellation into harmony and flow.
In Feng Shui, this theory is applied in such a way that the date of birth is used as a calculation basis for finding favorable and less favorable celestial directions and times for activities. Thus, it comes to favorable design of rooms and the detection of correct times for certain activities.
The foregoing are only rudiments of a very complex subject. To deal with the further analogies and in depth is very enriching.
Life is subject to constant change, which occurs in the body through growth, renewal and degradation. If someone lives healthily and harmoniously, this cycle repeats itself countless times until the end of a life.
This change takes place in the body as well as in the external environment. In the body, various functional systems, emotions and thoughts play a role. In the external it is first of all the space that surrounds us, where we live or work. The space expands geographically, so that this also has an additional influence on the human being. To make a small comparison, one can say that it is already formative whether one grows up in a cramped apartment or in a spacious house; or whether one grows up on the flat land, by the water or in the mountains.
Underlying both systems as well is the fact that while there are recommendations based on the above principles, each situation must still be re-evaluated with all the circumstances.
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July 2023 Josefine Reimig