Chi Nei Tsang® © (CNT) is one of the most effective therapeutic massage techniques in Eastern medicine.
By applying special techniques for tissue and organ massage, Chi Nei Tsang® can help people to restore and maintain their health.
Ultimately, Chi Nei Tsang® serves the goal of liberating oneself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The Chi Nei Tsang® massage system mainly works on the abdominal area. The navel plays a particularly important role here. After conception, the first cell of the embryo is formed in the navel and all parts of the body then develop in a spiral from this first cell. As the navel is directly related to every other part of the body, therapeutic work in this area has a reciprocal influence on the whole body.
These negative emotions and toxic energies seek to be discharged and are deposited on and around the organs in our body, which can process some of this emotional waste. However, enough blockages usually remain to impede the flow of energy through the body, which usually leads to illness at some point. Negative emotions can generate such excessive heat in the organs that dysfunction or even total failure can develop. Energy loss can also be caused by overwork, stress, accidents, surgery, drugs and toxins, poor and contaminated food and especially job insecurity.

In a healthy, balanced body, the organs show differences in temperature and moisture levels. This helps to maintain homeostasis (the self-regulation of the internal system) and ensures a healthy circulation of energy. However, if individual elements in the organism do not function properly, the whole body becomes unbalanced.
Improper diet, poor posture, injuries, negative emotions and stress can block the meridians (energy pathways) and cause discomfort. This condition affects all bodily functions and often leads to complaints such as headaches, migraines, pain, heartburn and so on.

Influence of nutrition
In order for the body to function symptom-free, it needs to be supplied with the right kind of fuel. In addition to nutrient-poor foods, factors include unsuitable food combinations and poor eating habits. According to Taoist belief, wind tends to gather in the abdomen when digestive disorders occur. This creates what is called "gas" in the West. As many vital organs are located in the abdominal area, accumulated wind disrupts their natural functions and can cause a variety of complaints.

Emotions and blockages
Emotions make up a significant part of the human experience of life. According to Taoist knowledge, emotional energy is an indicator of organ health. Emotions have a direct effect on the body. Unbridled anger creates an expansive heat in the body; fear, on the other hand, creates a constricting coldness. Jealousy and frustration create an acidic environment.
Emotional changes lead to biochemical reactions in the body. These are essentially hormonally controlled processes. Research at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) has shown that certain hormones are released in the body when people are emotionally aroused.
The fasciae, which are rich in blood supply, are considered to be one of the storage sites for these emotional manifestations in the physical body. Fascia permeates the entire body as an enveloping and connecting network of tension, it is highly innervated with sensory receptors that signal pain (nociceptors), monitor changes in movement (proprioceptors), changes in pressure and vibration (mechanoreceptors), changes in the chemical environment (chemoreceptors) and temperature fluctuations (thermoreceptors).
In general, we protect ourselves from feelings that are unpleasant or too intense by ignoring or blocking them, especially by restricting our breathing, such emotions are then stored in the body.
Our body reacts to stuck emotions with symptoms that allow us to digest and process encapsulated emotional energies. In this way, blockages can become free-flowing energy that is available to us in a useful way.
In every organ there is an inner wind that flows in a healthy way and thus ensures the vitality of this organ. However, if the internal energy channels are blocked, the winds become renegade forces that unbalance the organism.
External attacks by hot, cold, cool or sick winds impair our health. Sick winds can enter an unbalanced body through the navel, the back of the head, the forearms and the lower legs, or they can originate inside the body. Once the ill winds have established themselves in the body, the natural flow of energy is further impeded. If this state of stagnation is not transformed back into a vital state, degeneration and damage to organs, nerves and the circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems can occur and emotional stability is affected.
Working on the physical body prevents the mind from hiding and disguising suppressed emotions. When we increase our awareness and allow ourselves to accept our experiences, we can reconnect more deeply with our true selves.

Self-protection for practitioners
In the system of Universal Healing Tao® according to Grand Master Mantak Chia, great importance is attached to self-protection, which is an essential part of Chi Nei Tsang® practice. This is because with many healing methods, inexperienced practitioners exhaust themselves and become ill themselves. In therapeutic work, there is a danger of absorbing sick energy from the person you are working with. Since the bones have a crystalline structure, it is easy for energy to become trapped in them. It is advisable to practise self-protection techniques well so that even if we should absorb the student's sick energy, it can be discharged immediately from our own bones and organs into the ground.
The Chi Nei Tsang® massage system allows access, so to speak, to the places where energetic patterns manifest in the physical body ... where chi and matter touch.
The exact connections here have not yet been researched, but the efficient effectiveness of the Chi Nei Tsang® massage system never ceases to amaze and delight those involved.
Finally, it should be emphasized that Chi Nei Tsang® does not serve to directly heal illnesses and acute or chronic problems. Chi Nei Tsang® can, however, help to stop the degeneration
organs and tissues and to improve and strengthen their condition.
Josefine Reimig
A complete 4-days workshop video instruction from Mantak Chia himself, you can find under: Chi Nei Tsang® 1 - Organ Detox